Dependent variable Quit = 1 Model 5 Odds ratio Model 6 Odds ratio Model 7 Odds ratio
monitored external funding invested, amount (logs) -0.305*** 0.737*** -0.296* 0.744* -0.666 0.514
(0.072) (0.145) (0.406)
personal funding invested, amount (logs) -0.248** 0.780** -0.461* 0.631* -1.266* 0.282*
(0.088) (0.224) (0.555)
unmonitored external funding invested, amount (logs) 0.231* 1.260* 0.158 1.171 0.098 1.103
(0.095) (0.221) (0.450)
household net-worth, logs -0.012 0.988 0.015 1.016 0.289 1.335
(0.065) (0.173) (0.370)
educ. (1=community, or some college) -0.194 0.824 -0.544+ 0.580+ 0.780 2.182
(0.167) (0.325) (0.741)
educ. (2=college or some graduate training) -0.032 0.969 -0.917* 0.400* -0.431 0.650
(0.181) (0.432) (0.997)
educ. (3=postgraduate studies) -0.597* 0.550* -0.734 0.480 0.993 2.699
(0.239) (0.533) (1.544)
industry exp. (years) -0.295*** 0.744*** -0.351* 0.704* -0.760+ 0.468
(0.084) (0.164) (0.439)
start-up exp. (years) -0.209+ 0.811+ -0.232 0.793 -0.588 0.555
(0.116) (0.246) (0.566)
managerial exp. (years) 0.468*** 1.596*** 0.503* 1.654* 1.280** 3.596**
(0.095) (0.202) (0.461)
bonding – social capital -0.057 0.945 0.011 1.012 -0.157 0.854
(0.065) (0.142) (0.340)
bridging – social capital 0.061 1.063 0.119 1.126 0.188 1.207
(0.066) (0.178) (0.386)
team size 0.187* 1.206* 0.239 1.270 0.994 2.703
(0.073) (0.199) (0.743)
growth asp. (“as large as possible” =1) 0.139 1.149 0.432 1.540 -0.339 0.713
(0.151) (0.386) (1.000)
type of business (=1, extractive sector) -0.166 0.847 0.030 1.031 -1.209 0.299
(0.347) (0.518) (1.554)
type of business (=2, transforming sector) 0.227 1.255 -0.195 0.823 -0.313 0.731
(0.184) (0.385) (0.891)
type of business (=3, consum. oriented sector) 0.081 1.084 -0.033 0.968 -0.345 0.708
(0.143) (0.326) (0.716)
type of business (=4, other sectors/NA) -0.072 0.930 1.108 3.029 0.801 2.228
(0.664) (1.542) (2.473)
Constant 0.333* 1.395* 0.757* 2.132* 0.210 1.234
(0.162) (0.333) (0.785)
Observations 1,166 293 85
Log Likelihood -762.783 -168.654 -37.764
χ2test 103.9 (df=18, p-value <0.001) 30.35 (df=18, p-value <0.05) 30.20 (df=18, p-value <0.05)