Product and Model |
110 |
Strategy/model |
1 |
121 |
No USP/competitive differentiation |
2 |
122 |
Not convincing/compelling |
123 |
Need proof of concept |
124 |
Single product |
125 |
Too basic |
1 |
126 |
Complexity |
130 |
IP related |
Market |
210 |
Existence/clarity |
221 |
Too small or niche |
222 |
Too crowded/competitive |
1 |
223 |
Too fragmented |
224 |
Too large/mature |
230 |
Acceptance/potential |
240 |
Regulations |
Financial |
310 |
Exit |
320 |
Revenue/return potential |
2 |
330 |
Use of proceeds |
340 |
Valuation |
5 |
3 |
Team |
410 |
Experience |
420 |
Reputation |
430 |
Lack of confidence |
1 |
440 |
Key man issue |
2 |
450 |
No/incomplete management |
1 |
460 |
Integrity/ethics |
2 |
470 |
Asymmetry/distance |
Investor Specific |
511 |
Out of investor focus (OIF)--Product |
1 |
512 |
OIF—Stage |
513 |
OIF—Size |
1 |
514 |
OIF—geography |
4 |
2 |
515 |
Just not a G.F. deal |
521 |
Competes with existing portfolio |
522 |
Not appropriate for portfolio at this time |
523 |
Too early for fund |
524 |
No funds for region |
525 |
No time due to fund related activities |
1 |
530 |
External source did not endorse |
541 |
Need lead investor |
542 |
Oversubscribed |
543 |
Existing investor interest |
544 |
Lack of other investors |
551 |
No response |
552 |
Deal closed by other investors |
1 |
553 |
Not invited to participate |
554 |
Terms rejected |
555 |
Decided not to sell at all |
1 |
Other |
600 |
Conflict between entrepreneurs |
1 |