Organization Characteristics Number of Businesses
Industry sector Retail, Hospitality, and Events 8
Architecture, Construction, Environment 6
Art, Design, Music 6
Health and Beauty, Sport 5
Education, Childcare, Youth, Outreach 4
Accountancy, Consultancy 4
Manufacturing 3
Digital, Marketing 2
N = 38
Ownership (Legal status) Limited liability Company 14
S-Corporation 11
Sole trader 4
Self-employed 4
Non-profit 4
Partnership 1
N = 38
Turnover* (Dollars) Less than $70,000 9
$70,000-$100,000 3
$100,000-$500,000 22
$500,000-$1million 1
$1million + 1
N = 36*
Employees (Full time or equivalent) Less than 5 19
5-9 10
10-49 9
N = 38
Years of operation 1 year or less 1
2-5 years 8
6-10 years 11
11 + years 18
N = 38